
Friday, December 7, 2012

What is my Purpose?

What is my purpose? Am I supposed to know this at this time?  I mean I am just a senior in high school. Do I really need to have my life all figured out? The way I see it I still have a good sixty years in me to do what I want to do. So why decide now? I understand that it is a common question to be asked to any senior, and I must add that I have gone above and beyond the call to answer the questions about my future.
            I am planning to head off to Lincoln, Nebraska this next fall to find my calling. This decision was tough with the possibility of colleges filling an endless list. As of August this fall I was still determined to go out of state to a college that seemed perfect for me! That place was Iowa State University. I had researched their programs and fell in love with the campus when I visited. A later visit to UNL this fall won me over though. Not to mention the large price difference. So there after all of those words you now know where I am going to college, but still what is my purpose. As of now I am planning to major in Animal Science with a pre-vet option. I have wanted to be a veterinarian for years now and I can only hope that I will be able to fulfill my dreams and live my purpose: to help animals and their owners.
            Besides my career my purpose goes much further in depth. After college I want to have a family. I want to be ‘that’ mom that everyone loves. I want to be the kind of mom who bakes cookies for her children and greets them with a hug and a smile as they come home from a long day of school. Oh and I think a husband would be a nice part of this plan. I mean if I left that part out my friends and family might start to wonder. So yes it is my purpose to find someone out there who completes me. I realize this may be stretching it as I wish to fulfill my career plans as well, but I want to strive for perfection. The scenario I just described is certainly as close to perfect as I think I can get.
            Then again is my purpose completely different from what I have been describing? Shouldn’t I be describing how I should be a better person? I mean I understand the importance of having good moral values and treating everyone I meet with respect. That has always been a given to me, so does that mean it is still part of my purpose? I have always planned to help others and not just think about myself. So yes, maybe it is part of my purpose!
            And then there is God’s purpose for me. I’m not sure what he is calling me to do yet, but I am sure I will figure that out along the way. It is not for me to know now, but for me to find for myself. I know that whatever I am called to do will be the right thing!

            As I am writing this and asking my peers for their opinions I have found one thing repeatedly said to me. That one thing: “You will find a way to not break your leg anymore!” Yeah thanks guys. You are all so supportive! I have also heard the response: “ You will create an awesome bionic leg someday!” Yes I hope I do some day, but I am not planning to go into the human medical field, unfortunately. I mean I have broken my leg going on five times, but is that any reason to make these comments? Okay so I guess I can understand the comments. Maybe I should just accept the fact that everyone knows me as the cripple. So going back to everyone else’s comments, maybe I could create a bionic leg for a horse or a cow. That would be sweet! While I am at it I should create a robotic everything for animals. Pet owners everywhere would purchase one of these creations to aid their helpless animal. Wow I am so creative! I think I might make a couple million dollars off of this. This is definitely my calling.
            So lets recap. I am going to go to college at UNL next year to major in animal science with a pre-vet option. Then after I pursue my career I want to find someone to share my life with and eventually have children. So after my career and family are booming I will venture off to create bionics for animals. Okay so the last part probably won’t happen, but in theory it could be my purpose!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, a.k.a Jim,

    I think it would be great if you did create a bionic leg for a cow!! (or a human!) You never know how your life might turn out. You might end up being a physician for humans! (If not, you'd be a great veterinarian--like James Herriot who wrote the series of books I love, _All Creatures Great and Small_, etc.) I wish you all the best!!

    Dr. English
